Buroşürler - Türkçe : Vigor 3100G Broşür [ 222kB / pdf ]
Datasheet - English : Vigor 3100G [ 395kB / pdf ]
Kılavuz - Türkçe : Vigor 3100G [ 679kB / pdf ]
User Manual - English : Vigor 3100G User Guide [ 3.38MB / pdf ]
Canlı Demo : Vigor 3100/3120 Serisi Canlı Demo
1. G.SHDSL Uyumluluğu
•G.991.2 Annex A and Annex B
•Up to 2.3 Mbps Downstream and Upstream
•CPE / CO Mode
2. Wireless Access Point
•Super G™ 108Mbps
•IEEE 802.11b/g Compliant
•Wireless Client List
•Access Point Discovery
•WDS ( Wireless Distribution System )
•Wireless LAN Isolation
•Wireless Rate-control
•Wireless Security :
•64/128 bits WEP Encryption
•WPA ( Wi-Fi Protected Access ), WPA2 Encryption
•802.1x User Authenticatuion with RADIUS Client
•MAC Address Access Control
•Hidden SSID
•Wireless VLAN
3. Sanal Özel Ağ - Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) •Up to 32 VPN Tunnels
•Supported Protocol : PPTP , IPSec , L2TP , L2TP over IPSec
•DHCP over IPSec
•Encryption : AES , MPPE and Hardware-based DES / 3DES
•Authentication : MD5 , SHA-1
•IKE Authentication : Pre-shared Key and Digital Signature ( X.509 )
•LAN-to-LAN , Teleworker-to-LAN
•NAT-Traversal ( NAT-T )
•Dead Peer Detection ( DPD )
•VPN Pass-through
4. Güvenlik Duvarı - Firewall •IM / P2P Blocking
•Multi-NAT, DMZ Host, Port-redirect / Open Port
•MAC Address Filtering
•Rule-based Packet Filtering
•SPI ( Stateful Packet Inspection)
•DoS / DDoS Protection
•IP Address Anti-spoofing
•E-mail Alert and Logging via Syslog
5. Bantgenişliği Yönetimi ( Quality of Service )
•Class-based Bandwidth Guarantee by User-defined Traffic Categories
•Support of Four Priority-levels
•DiffServ Codepoint Classifying
•Bandwidth Borrowed
6. Network Özellikleri •DHCP Client / Relay / Server
•Dynamic DNS
•SNTP Client
•Call Scheduling
•RADIUS Client
•DNS Cache / Proxy
•Routing Protocol : Static Routing / RIP V2
7. WAN
•PPP over Ethernet ( RFC 2516 )
•PPP over ATM ( RFC 2364 )
•Multiple Protocol over ATM
8. İçerik Filtreleme - Content Filtering
•URL Key Word Blocking ( Whitelist and Blacklist )
•Java Applet , Cookies , Active X , Compressed , Executable , Multimedia File Blocking
•Time Schedule Control
•Web Content Filter ( Power by SurfControl )
9. USB
•HSDPA USB Modem ( for Back-up only )
•USB Printer
10. Network Yönetim
•Web-based User Interface ( HTTP / HTTPS )
•Quick Start Wizard
•CLI ( Command Line Interface, Telnet / SSH* )
•Administration Access Control
•Configuration Backup / Restore
•Build-in Diagnostic Function
•Firmware Upgrade via TFTP / FTP
•Logging via Syslog
•SNMP Management MIB-II