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Vigor-2110n Broadband Wireless VPN Security Router Modem

Buroşürler - Türkçe : Vigor 2110n Broşür [ 192kB / pdf ]
Datasheet - English : Vigor 2110n Datasheet [ 1.01MB / pdf ]
Kılavuz - Türkçe : Vigor 2110n Kullanım Kılavuzu [ 862kB / pdf ]
User Manual - English : Vigor 2110n User Manual [ 4.36MB / pdf ]
Canlı Demo : Vigor 2110 Serisi Canlı Demo
1. LAN

Port-based VLAN
4-port 10/100 M Ethernet Switch

2. WAN Protocol •DHCP Client
Static IP

3. VPN
Up to 2 VPN Tunnels
Protocol : PPP, IPSec, L2TP, L2TP over IPSec
Encryption : AES, MPPE and DES / 3DES
Authentication : MD5, SHA-1
IKE Authentication : Pre-shared Key and Digital Signature ( X.509 )
LAN-to-LAN, Teleworker-to-LAN
DHCP over IPSec
Dead Peer Detection ( DPD )
VPN Pass-through

4. Firewall
Multi-NAT, DMZ Host, Port-Redirection and Open Port
Object-Based Firewall
MAC Address Filter
SPI ( Stateful Packet Inspection )
DoS / DDoS Prevention
IP Address Anti-spoofing
E-mail Alert and Logging via Syslog
Bind IP to MAC Address
Time Schedule Control

5. Content Security Managemnt
IM / P2P Applications Blocking
URL Keyword Filter ( Whitelis and Blacklist )
Web Content Filter

6. Bandwidth Management
QoS :
Class-based Bandwidth Guarantee by User-defined Traffic Categories
DiffServ Code Point Classifying
4-level Priority for Each Direction ( Inbound/Outbound )
Bandwidth Borrowed
Bandwidth / Session Limitation

7. Network Feature
IGMP Proxy / Snooping
DHCP Client / Relay / Server
Dynamic DNS
NTP Client
Call Schedulinig
DNS Cache / Proxy
Routing Protocol :
Static Routing

8. USB
Printer Sharing
File System : *
Support FAT32/FAT16 File System *
Support FTP Function for File Sharing *
Support samba for Windows File Sharing *

9. Network Management
Web-based User Interface ( HTTP / HTTPS )
Quick Start Wizard
CLI ( Command Line Interface, Telnet / SSH )
Administration Access Control
Configuration Backup / Restroe
Built-in Diagnostic Function
Firmware Upgrade via TFTP/FTP/WUI/TR-069
Logging via Syslog
SNMP Management MIB-II
Management Session Timeout
2 Level Management


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